Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Cyber Operations and National Security: A Panel Discussion

Cyber Operations and National Security: A Panel Discussion Tube. Duration : 88.27 Mins.

Cyber Operations and National Security Thursday, October 20th at 4:30pm Rockefeller 002 Operation Shady RAT. Stuxnet. Conficker. International and National Strategies for Cybersecurity. Cyber Czars and Cyber Commands. Digital Pearl Harbors and Cyber Maginot Lines. How can the US prevent a major cyber attack, and how should it respond to one? Are there policy models from other realms that we can draw upon to develop a strategy for cyber defense, cyber deterrence, or cyber offensives? And how important is cyber defense for national security in the 21st Century? Is cyber war likely to be a means of decisive conflict in the coming decades, or simply one of the many tools of influence and statecraft in international politics? When historians write about conflict in the 21st Century, will cyber operations be a headline or a footnote? Join us to listen to experts in cyber security and defense policy as they discuss one of the major emerging security challenges of the new century. Moderated by Professor Daryl Press, panelists include: Martin Libicki, RAND Corporation; Herb Lin, National Research Council; and Jon Lindsay, University of California, San Diego. Co-sponsored with the War and Peace Studies Program of the Dickey Center for International Understanding

Keywords: ISTS, Datrmouth, Cyber, Internet, Hackers, War Strategy

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